Baishakh, also known as Vaishakh is the harvest festival which starts from Mid April usually. The first day of Baishakh or Poila Baishakh is the Naba Barsha means new year for Bengali. The festival generally falls on 13Th or 14Th day of April. The day is a national holiday and is celebrated with full wings of hues in it.
Bengali people celebrates this festival with joy, music, enthusiasm, playing songs games and even reciting poem. The over enthusiastic people also celebrates the eve of the poila Baishakh as Chaitra Sankranti and bid farewell to the year. Bengali's decorate their houses with flowers and Rangolis,the ladies of the houses wear the traditional red and white Saree's and men wear dhoti kurtas to add the charm in the occasion. They also take a ritual bath in Ganga or near by river to become sacred. The early morning the Bengali's take out procession known as Prabhat Pheri, which was followed by wishing all the near and dear ones “ Shubho Nabo Barsho”
Many culturally rich people celebrate the festival with set customs and rituals. The house is decorated by rangolis prepared with flour and an earthen pot is placed in the center with s Swastika on it. The Bengali's pray to Goddess Laxmi- deity of Wealth for well being and prosperity. Bengali Businessman also purchase new accounting book known as Haalkhata to start a new account.
Baishakh has its presence in each and every religion with the different names given to it, as seen as New Year for the Bengali's “ Shubho Nabo Barsho”.
Bengali people celebrates this festival with joy, music, enthusiasm, playing songs games and even reciting poem. The over enthusiastic people also celebrates the eve of the poila Baishakh as Chaitra Sankranti and bid farewell to the year. Bengali's decorate their houses with flowers and Rangolis,the ladies of the houses wear the traditional red and white Saree's and men wear dhoti kurtas to add the charm in the occasion. They also take a ritual bath in Ganga or near by river to become sacred. The early morning the Bengali's take out procession known as Prabhat Pheri, which was followed by wishing all the near and dear ones “ Shubho Nabo Barsho”
Many culturally rich people celebrate the festival with set customs and rituals. The house is decorated by rangolis prepared with flour and an earthen pot is placed in the center with s Swastika on it. The Bengali's pray to Goddess Laxmi- deity of Wealth for well being and prosperity. Bengali Businessman also purchase new accounting book known as Haalkhata to start a new account.
Baishakh has its presence in each and every religion with the different names given to it, as seen as New Year for the Bengali's “ Shubho Nabo Barsho”.
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